Why We Dance![]()
As we spend the next two weeks constructing our 6,000 sf sprung dance floor at Acro Enso, we’re eager to share with you how excited we are to welcome the growing dance community of Reno into our new space! We believe dance is a primal essence of movement, and as such, a fundamental part of our vision at Acro Enso. As our dance floor comes to life, we thought it might be fun to share with you some of the interesting science and history we’ve learned around why we dance in this week’s blog.
When you ask dancers why they dance most will probably say it’s because they enjoy it. Scientists believe this is because coordinated movement is one of the many things that stimulates our reward centers in our brains. Even if you don’t enjoy dancing yourself, scientists have theorized that you are likely to experience great pleasure just by watching a dancer because of how your brain is wired to mirror what it sees. Basically, when you watch a performer dancing parts of your brain, that control your own body’s movement, light up like a light bulb as if you were dancing yourself. By simply observing dancers you may experience innate pleasure that is comparable to the internal rewards you feel from eating delicious food or sleeping! We don’t need current science to tell us how rewarding dance is though, because we’ve been enjoying it for over 9,000 years. Many historians believe that dance performance was evolved to pass on religious and mythical stories from one generation to the next before written language had arrived. This makes dance one of the original human entertainments and an essential factor to the formation of early human civilizations! Today, with all its different styles, dance is a universal practice that the entire world shares. So, it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, whether you have two left feet¸ or an extensive background, dance is a beautiful and timeless activity for everyone to enjoy! At Acro Enso, we’re extremely grateful to be working with so many talented dance instructors to offer a variety of dance styles for you to experience and enjoy. We hope that you will join us to move and groove together once we’ve opened our doors. Thanks for reading and have a great week! ~ Namastizzle Acro Enso. Discover the joy of movement with Acro Enso! Whether you're looking to join a class or just curious to learn more, we're excited to connect with you. Reach out today for more information or to register for one of our dynamic and inclusive classes. Let's build a vibrant community through the art of movement!
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