Enso in Japanese means circle. We paint a circle and the imperfection of our brushstroke is our authenticity. From Zen practice, performing an Enso is about bold expression of our authenticity.
And Acro? “Acrobatic skills involve strength, dexterity, twists, flips, balances, jumps, and turns. Also we throw in some body rotations. We can do this as individuals or with partners. This is the definition given by the National Institute of Circus Arts based out of Australia.” Practicing acrobatics is ancient in the the history of humanity. Acro Enso. People invoke the word “soul” often in the context of creative expression. Even the subject of spirituality doesn’t make "soul" tangible like art & creativity does. We cannot overstate the importance of art and music. We’re talking about balance. Balance in life is how we cope. A balanced accountant or building contractor or web designer needs to step away and experience literature or dance, right? some kind of romance/adventure/expression! Art and expression bring balance to one’s life. What is a gym membership for? The body, right? And what about expression? Does a weight lifting regimen express authentic & meaningful play? Flow art is about movement. It’s expressive like dance but not necessarily dance. Acrobatic is the “acro” part but don’t worry, clowns and popcorn are not necessary here, only physical movement. Dance and art invigorate where we didn’t know energy existed. And when it’s the body expressing itself the instrument and the self become closer to oneness. When two people coordinate in movement, they become one. Partner acrobatics brings interpersonal coordination into play. AcroEnso is Reno’s first large scale movement arts studio with a focus on partner acrobatics, cyr wheel, and dance. The full offering includes everything from yoga and general fitness to clowning and magic. So throw away your gym membership, Acro Enso is better! It’s better for the soul and it’s better for coordination whether it’s one soul or more than one. We make the world a better place by making better selves.
Hey folks, thanks for tuning in! This month we’d like to share with you why we’re excited to be offering alternative high school P.E. credit here at Acro Enso. First off, we need to ask: why do teens dislike P.E. so much? Whether you remember these adolescent years or not, we all know how unique this phase of life is. Not only do teens need to deal with changing bodies and fragile egos, but they’re also wading through a world of dogma where they must decipher their own truths on what a healthy life is. When we throw these kids into a gymnasium and tell them it takes this many pushups and pull-ups to be a healthy individual, it’s no wonder we see such resistance. This one shoe fits all mentality is thickly laden in our education system and it does nothing to support the diverse individuals our children are.
Even as adults there are many of us who disfavor going to the gym to run another lap on the treadmill to meet that half hour goal of daily fitness. At Acro Enso, we value a more personalized approach to fitness that encourages continuous growth, individual creativity and personal drive. By offering a range of activities like cyr wheel, acrobatics, juggling and more, our members and students are able to discover a way to a healthy life that truly serves their unique selves. This form of meaningful play has boosted my and my partner’s life both physically and mentally, and as parents, we’re eager to offer this to our children. When we came across the opportunity to join the extended studies program of the Washoe County School District, we were quick to sign up in order to offer the youth of our community the same means to choose their own path to a healthy life. If you have a teenager or are one yourself that is interested in learning more about our program, we encourage you to stop by anytime to chat or to sample any of our classes. Check out our Class Schedule to see all that we offer. We’re sure we’ll have something you’ll enjoy doing. Thanks for reading! ~ Namastizzle Acro Enso. ![]()
In anticipation of our upcoming events at Acro Enso, we’d like to introduce you to Sam Tribble, a prominent Cyr Wheel coach of ten years, who is coming to teach workshops soon here in Reno!! Before we share Sam’s story, we’d like to shed some light on the beautiful movement form of Cyr Wheel. A Cyr Wheel is a large metal wheel cased in a flexible pvc skin in which you spin around like a coin on a counter. Cyr Wheel is a fairly new practice in our culture and up until recently, it’s been fairly exclusive. This is because there aren’t many places in the world available to learn Cyr Wheel, and the wheels themselves are expensive and quite difficult to make.
At Acro Enso, we’re passionate about making this beautiful movement form more accessible for the general public to learn. That's why we’ve invested into sixteen Cyr Wheels as well as a specialized 6,000-sf platform that we’ve built by hand. Now that our studio is ready for business, we’re excited and very fortunate to be hosting renowned and experienced teachers, like Sam Tribble, to educate and support our growing movement community. As an All American Gymnast, Sam was first attracted to the Cyr Wheel because it challenged him in similar ways to gymnastics. Like many youth gymnasts before him, Sam started to coach during and after his time as a student so that he could gain regular gym access and continue his training as an adult. He quickly realized that he had a true love for teaching because of the meaningful impact that sharing has on a person’s well being. After many years of training and teaching Cyr Wheel, Sam became the first USA World’s Team Coach for Cyr Wheel and went on to develop a teacher certification program known as PAT - Progressive Axis Training ™ - to bring up more Cyr teachers like himself. There are many things that fuel Sam’s passion for Cyr Wheel. To name just a few: it’s low impact and forever challenging; it’s inclusive to everyone with a great capacity for personal expression; and unlike other sports that rely on dominant legs and arms, Cyr Wheel is able to work both sides of the body, which has a huge impact on creating musculature symmetry and movement patterns that benefit our longevity in sports. According to Sam, however, the only reason you need to try Cyr Wheel is because it’s simply so much fun to do!! We hope that you’ll take advantage of Sam’s time in Reno by joining his workshops at Acro Enso the end of this month and by coming to our Grand Opening on April 6th to see him perform in his wheel. Sign up now to reserve your spot!! You can find more information on these events HERE! Thanks for reading and we look forward to seeing you soon!! Namastizzle ~ Acro Enso. |
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