The Value of Movement Art
How do you support the value of your art form? Whether you are a performer, teacher, or student, how you support the value of your art will determine the type of relationship it has with the community you share it with. As movement artists we are all responsible for fostering healthy, universal standards in order to cultivate a thriving community. This week Acro Enso would like to share how we support the value of movement art within our own community.
The Performer If you have the goal of pursuing a career as a movement artist or are already in the business of entertaining, then you most likely understand the physical, emotional, and time commitments necessary to create a genuine act. You mind your health; you set a training program; you hire coaches; you work through difficult mental blocks; all in order to provide your audience a unique experience. After all of this, the success of your career depends, to a large extent, on the bar you set for the value of your effort and your art. To support this value, Acro Enso strives to respect and meet the bar set by the performers we hire. Furthermore, as movement artists ourselves, we maintain a consistent rate for our work based on our experience, knowledge, and standing with respect to our peers and teachers. We do this so that we may help to maintain a known standard in our community. The Teacher Teachers are the pillars of our community. A teacher supports the value of their art form by devoting their time, energy, and personal resources to learning, bettering themselves, and sharing their knowledge. A teacher is responsible for providing a safe container in which all people may grow and learn. Too often, we hear of the disservice that happens to our teachers when they are not compensated properly and in a timely fashion. When we decrease the teacher’s value in our community, we make it difficult for that teacher to continue to grow and share their art form. In this way, we are holding our community back by not allowing its fullest form of expression. At Acro Enso we hold the firm belief that a teacher who feels valued will express this value in their own work, and in so doing, will pass this value on to their students and the community at large. The Student As students, we are all supporting the value of our art forms by seeking out, supporting, and learning from the teachers who inspire us. If the instruction you receive is tailored to you as a person, and with your growth and well-being in mind, a deeper understanding and appreciation for the art form is nurtured. At Acro Enso, we aim to provide high quality instruction from teachers with experience and extensive training so that every student who comes through our doors may enjoy a safe container in which they can play, grow, and express themselves to the fullest extent. In short, at Acro Enso, we work to support the value of our movement arts from each facet of which we are a part. We hope to share this message so that we may help to foster a healthy and vibrant community for all movement artists. Thank you for reading. Stay connected to learn more about Acro Enso. Namastizzle~ Acro Enso. |
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