The Value of Quality Coaching
When you discover a passion you love, a new path of exploration manifests in your life. As you journey down this path and gain insight, you start to meet the community around you who also shares the love for this passion . Once you’ve dipped your toe into the collected wisdom of this community, your world begins to open up to a network of valuable connections and resources that help you grow your passion.
At Acro Enso, partner acrobatics is a passion we love to explore and learn. One of the resources we use in our community to grow this passion is quality coaching from teachers like Aaron Lind, a founder of the Lift School of Acrobatics. When we asked Aaron why he values quality coaching in partner acrobatics, he shared with us his philosophy that good coaches are trained to help you find the right technique that fits your unique body type. Since the same technique doesn’t apply to everybody in partner acrobatics, having personalized instruction from an experienced coach becomes very beneficial to the understanding and application of your practice. When Aaron first learned partner acro and experienced quality coaching like this, he says he was astounded by his teachers’ abilities to accurately assess his individual body mechanics. He made amazing progress in his training with the help of famous partner acro coaches like Niko Douwes and Jean-Luc. He was so inspired by their quality coaching that he decided he also wanted to help others this way and become a partner acrobatics coach himself. He’s trained many acro partnerships and with the help of his colleagues and community he created a program through the Lift School of Acrobatics to train and certify acro teachers as well. At Acro Enso, we’re so excited to be working with skilled coaches like Aaron to learn and coach quality partner acrobatics to our community. We hope that you will join us for the upcoming immersions and workshops happening soon with Aaron this year to experience his expertise first hand! For more information on upcoming events check out their Events Page. Thanks for reading and have a great week. Namastizzle ~ Acro Enso. Discover the joy of movement with Acro Enso! Whether you're looking to join a class or just curious to learn more, we're excited to connect with you. Reach out today for more information or to register for one of our dynamic and inclusive classes. Let's build a vibrant community through the art of movement!
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